Good cat

A white cat in the house
is a good protector and a healer.


It is believed that a white cat protects the home from negative energy, evil and envious people. Together with him in the house comes happiness. It is only neccessary to caress a white pet, as dreams begin to come true...

There is a proven way to realize what you have planned: it consists in the fact that you need to have time to mentally visualize what you dream of, think about the plan of action from start to finish, while the white cat is happy and purring in your arms. You don’t have to disturb and chase away your pet at this moment. Even if you have already made your wish, you need to wait until the cat gets satisfied and jumps off by itself.

the energy of white cats and white cats


White cats are real magicians. They bring good luck to the house where they settled and drive away misfortunes. The energy of snow-white fluffy cats is very light and kind. These animals are able to treat their favorite owners from ailments and discouragement. As soon as such a pet cuddles on your lap, your strength will start to recover in an unimaginable way.

white cat in the house

It is a good idea to get a cat of a light color! It helps you normalize your energy and improve your position in society... But, of course, a white cat should be loved and not offended. Snow-white pets are most often found in elite breeds, such as a Turkish Angoras, a Cornish Rex, a Khao Manee, a Foreign White... There are white Maine Coons, Persians and British cats as well. All these breeds are not cheap....

But there are also our native Siberian cats – they are light colored and blue-eyed. These are Neva Masquerade fluffy, bred in St. Petersburg. They are not so expensive. Representatives of this breed can be found even in shelters. But if you want to take a small kitten and bring him up almost from scratch, it is worth paying attention to the catteries where these beauties are bred.

Learn more about the cattery of Neva Masquerade cats >>> follow the link...
Or you can choose such a kitten here >>> follow the link...

white cats



A white cat in the house is a unique accumulator of positivity, warmth and love. The ancient Slavs believed that a white cat does not defile the altar. The cat was allowed to climb on the icons hanging in the corner of the house.

Long ago, Belarusians had a folk ritual where it was necessary to bake a large figure of a white cat out of sand dough. This figure was hung on a rope and one by one, the whole family tried to take a bite out of it, each one a piece at a time. People believed in the magical power of the ritual. In this way, the family established relations and stopped quarrels.

Everyone knows that the ancient Egyptians honored cats, and the ancient Greeks thought that the goddess Diana was able to turn into a cat.

There is a legend, as if the prophet Muhammad had a favorite white cat Muezza. Once she fell asleep on a sleeve of his robe. Muhammad didn't want to disturb Muezza, but he had to leave... and then, he cut off the sleeve so as not to wake up his favorite cat. Perhaps that's why cats are considered clean animals in Muslim countries. They are allowed to live in the house and even enter the mosque.

And in Orthodoxy, cats have their own patron saint - St. Vlasius. They say that during the lifetime of Vlasius, the animals themselves came to him, and he healed them. Nowadays people pray to St. Vlasius for the health of their pets.

And there are also Orthodox monasteries where monks give shelter to abandoned cats. For example: St. Joseph-Volotsk Monastery. It is located in the village of Teryaevo, Volokolamsk district, Moscow region, not far from Volokolamsk. For many years, kittens and cats have been brought to the monastery... There are already a lot of them there.

In the State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg was living one of the most famous white cats named Achill. He was excellent at predicting the outcome of soccer matches. The cat is deaf from birth, but he is world popular. To date, he occupies the 3rd place in the list of the most famous cats in Russia. More than 40 people had aspired to shelter this cat, and in 2018, he finally found his new home.

The white cat of the Egyptians



There is a legend that Buddha invited 12 animals to his feast to discuss the new "appointments" with them and distribute who would be responsible for which year. But something went wrong, and the cat did not come to the meeting. Either a rat distracted him, or something else happened - here the versions differ... But Buddha took offense at the cat and appointed a rabbit instead. Now the rabbit occupies the 4th place in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Nevertheless, in the Vietnamese horoscope the Chinese character "rabbit" is pronounced the same way as the word "cat" in Vietnamese, that's why the cat replaced the rabbit there. In Russia, we love all animals and celebrate the year of both...


1. A white cat, running across the road – is, unlike a black cat, a sign of good fortune.

2. A white cat, accidentally appearing at a wedding, portends a happy marriage.

3. It is a bad omen to chase away a snow-white cat that has come to the threshold of the house. It is believed that by not letting him in, you drive away happiness.

4. Seven years of troubles and failures are foretold to the one who will offend or beat a white cat.

5. It is believed that giving kittens as a gift is bad luck. It is necessary to take at least a little money for a kitten, otherwise the pet will not take root.

6. If a white cat is lying on your purse, you can expect to make a profit.

7. If a white cat is coming to you in a dream - it is a sign of instant wealth.

8. In China it is believed that if a white cat comes into a store, then after him will come a good buyer..

9. Stroking the tail of a snow-white cat - improves eyesight.

10. If you meet a white cat on January 31, the whole year will be successful.

white cat lore


The GOOD CAT website presents:

"If a cat has chosen you, then try not to deceive its expectations, because it has found in you a soul mate on this Earth..." (Good Cat)


How to introduce cats for mating; What does it take to participate in a cat show; Cat stories; Raising a cat; Cat breeding regulations.

Neva masquerade cats drawing


Cat shows
WCF rules
Photos of the cat
What to feed a cat
The cost of a cat


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