Good cat

How to introduce cats for mating?


The peculiarities of the first cats mating require certain conditions and careful preparation. First of all, the female cat must reach at least one and a half years of age so that its body is prepared for pregnancy and childbirth.

It is important to remember that early mating can negatively affect the health and development of females. And males should be kept without the attempts of mating for up to one and a half to two years. This kind of precaution is connected with their physiology, as well as potential behavioral risks.

It must be taken into account that the age of the first mating is individual for each breed. For example, Siberian cats are ready to breed by about two years old, but Ragdolls – only by 3-4 years old.

The first meeting of a male and a female for the mating is a very important moment that should be arranged properly. It is important to know that this happens most often on the territory of a male cat, as it helps to strengthen his self-confidence and reduce stress.

Another important point is the choice of a partner for the first mating. For an inexperienced cat, it is better to select an experienced female that has already had repeated mating experiences... She will help the partner to settle into a new role. And vice versa - an experienced male cat is chosen for an inexperienced female.

Before you bring a female cat to a male cat, you must first assess her condition. Make sure that the cat is in heat, which is a signal that it is ready to reproduce. At this time, the cat shows increased interest in the male cat and becomes more affectionate.

comfortable conditions for cats



It is important to create comfortable conditions for the cats when mating so that the partners feel relaxed:

1. Do not wash the female before meeting the male, as her smell is an important factor in the dating process.

2. Some cats may show aggression or fear at the sight of strangers, so you need to keep safety in mind.

3. It is necessary to trim the claws of both animals. This will help to avoid accidental damage and injury.

4. Put two trays with cat litter. Having an individual tray for each pet will help avoid conflicts over a single space for use.

5. Prepare your favorite food for both animals for 2-3 days. This will help them feel more confident and on equal footing.

6. When it's time for a meeting, be patient and watch the cats' reactions. Let them decide for themselves how far they want to be from each other. Do not force rapprochement, but stay close to intervene if necessary and to prevent conflict.

7. During the first meeting, it is important to be prepared for different animal reactions. They may not like each other. Stay calm and don’t panic. Give them time to be acquainted and to get used to each other.

8. If the female is larger than the male, then the male needs to be helped by holding by the withers. Also, the assistance of the owner is required if the female cat falls on her side or lies on her back during mating - it is necessary to keep the animal in the right position.

9. But if the female cat keeps the male cat away within two or three days, the better option will be changing the partners.

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Before you start mating your pet, it is important to ensure that both partners are healthy. To do this, the pets need to pass wedding tests, which will help to exclude the presence of various infections and diseases.

Before mating the cats, the owners must have the following documents:

1. A passport with cat vaccinations, that confirms the pet is vaccinated and protected from major viruses.

2. The original results of the cats’ wedding tests with the seals of the veterinarian. These results should indicate an absence of such diseases as coronavirus (a stool test), viral immunodeficiency (FIV), viral leukemia (FeLV), infectious peritonitis (FIP), chlamydia, mycoplasmosis + ureaplasmosis, etc. It is necessary to give your preference to a reliable laboratory.

3. Treat the cats from parasites.
The wedding tests will help not only confirm the health state of future parents, but also reduce the risk of transmitting diseases to the offspring.

The first time cats meet for mating



If you are thinking about mating a pedigreed cat, then be sure to have a copy of the title or the breeding evaluations CAC (the “Champion” title) with you. And the pedigree as well, that will help you understand that the animals are not in close kinship. These documents will be necessary to assess the quality of the animal and its compliance with breed standards.

The title is a certificate of the animal's achievements at exhibitions. It confirms that your cat is recognized by experts as the best in its breed or in a certain category. The title is given for the high quality of the animal, its breed characteristics, character and health.

The breeding evaluations CAC (the “Champion” title) is also an important document that are given at cat shows that involve various feline clubs. The breeding evaluations are based on the expert opinion of breed specialists. They, in turn, reflect the animal's compliance with the breed and its standards.
Having a copy of such documents with you, you will be able to prove to the owner of your cat's potential partner that the pet meets all the requirements of the breed. This will convince an experienced breeder of the seriousness of your purpose and confirm the good genetic data of the animal.

Compliance with all of the above rules and recommendations will help ensure a favorable and safe process for the first mating of a female cat and a male cat. Do not forget about the health and well-being of your pets, and plan the breeding according to all the features and requirements.


The GOOD CAT website presents:

"Those who absolutely do not know cats say that they forget their owners and loved ones after a while. But practice shows that cats remember everything, but they do not forgive long separation and betrayal." (Good cat)


How to introduce cats for mating; What does it take to participate in a cat show; Cat stories; Raising a cat; Cat breeding regulations.

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