Good cat

Cat parenting
How to bring up a kitten?


If you take a kitten from pedigreed parents that use a cat tray themselves, then there are usually no problems with this. Kittens follow the mother cat from birth and repeat everything she does. Therefore, they learn to use the tray, exactly copying her behavior.

It's another matter when you pick up a very small kitten on the street, and it had never seen a cat toilet in his life, and all its brothers dispatched their natural needs wherever they wanted. In this case, you may expect troubles and misunderstandings with the cat tray usage.

Drawing urban cats

So what should I do? How do you explain to a kitten that going to the toilet everywhere is forbidden?

A) The optimal solution is simply not to pick up stray kittens from the street, but if you still decide to take such a responsible step, be patient.

B) In no case do not scold the kitten and even more so do not beat it for having relieved itself in the wrong place. By such actions, you will only frighten the pet and lose its trust. It will run away, hide from you and defecate in secluded places. Moreover, the kitten can develop such a habit, and then nothing can be done.

C) Buy a right-size tray and an odorless cat litter. Read how to choose the right tray here: What do you need for a cat?

D) As soon as a street kitten appears in your house, keep a close eye on it. Every minute, day and night, do not lose sight of the pet. Prepare yourself mentally in advance that it will take time.

E) All cats, without exception, begin to dig with their paws the surface where they decided to pee before relieving themselves.

F) And so, as soon as the cat starts digging a carpet, a sofa or floor, approach it quietly. Pick it up and put in the tray. Since the kitten already really wanted to empty himself, it will pee in there. After that, the cat litter should not be changed. It is important to keep the smell of kitten’s urine in the tray.

G) This procedure should be repeated over and over again until the baby understands and begins to climb into its cat toilet itself.

H) But even when the cat starts to relieve itself in the tray, you have to keep an eye on it for about a week so that everything is right, and patiently wait until the habit is formed.

how to train a cat to a tray



The situation with the scratching post is about the same as with the tray. If the kitten's parents sharpened their claws on a scratching post, then the baby will do it without any problems. And all you have to do is show him where it hangs.…

However, if the cat's dad and mom didn't do it, then you'll have to sweat a lot.:

A) Buy a good scratching post made of natural materials. It is necessary to approach the issue of purchase with the understanding that cats have a reflex inherent in nature – to sharpen their claws on the bark on tree trunks.

B) Attach the scratching post to the wall or to the floor firmly, so that it does not harm the cat.

C) Show the kitten where the scratching post is hanging and scratch it with its paw.

D) When the kitten starts to tear up your sofa or armchair, take it without scolding, and take it to the scratching post.

E) Put the kitten on its hind legs, and put its front paws on a scratching post and praise the baby.

F) Repeat these steps until the cat learns to sharpen its claws in the right place.

The cat sharpens its claws on a scratching post



A) Buy a comfortable cat leash and a right-size harness. The harness should not hamper movement, be too tight or too loose. And it is better to take a leash of about 1.5 m in length.

B) It is better to start learning at the age of a kitten. From 5-7 months.

C) When your cat wants to play with you, put a harness on it. For the first time it may not work out. There is no need to force and scold the cat.

D) After the harness is on and the cat is in a playful mood, play with it its favorite game (a ball or a mouse) without removing the harness. But don't fasten the leash yet.

E) Such games in a harness should be continued for 7-10 minutes every day for a week, or maybe two. The cat should have an understanding that when they put on a harness, they will play with it.

F) When the understanding is formed, fasten the leash to the harness and let the cat get used to it. Make sure that the pet is not tangled in the leash.

G) Continue playing with a strapped leash for a few more days.

H) Then take the leash in your hands and follow where the cat will lead you. The pet should get used to the fact that you and it are walking together. It will take about a week.

I) Сats are usually happy to walk on a leash after all of that, but they go where they want to go.

J) If you have enough patience, it is possible to teach the cat to go where you want to go. To do this, first walk with the cat on all its business… Then pull the leash slightly in your direction and say in a calm voice: "And now let's go there..." If there is mutual understanding and trust between you, most likely the cat will follow you. And when that happens, you can lead the cat on a leash.

a cat on a leash



You need to wean a cat from biting since childhood and first you need to understand why this happens:

A) The reason that a kitten bites your hands may be his desire to play. In this case, everything is quite simple. You put your hands behind your back and make it clear with your whole appearance that you do not want to play such games. If it doesn't understand, then you can hiss at it a little, like a cat mom does. Then, after some time, when the cat has stopped attacking and calmed down, play together with its toys (a ball, a teaser or a mouse). Stick to a single line of behavior without changing it.

B) Another reason that the cat bites may be its desire to explain clearly that it does not want to do something. For instance, to sit in your arms at the moment or to comb the hair or something else... In this situation, just stop insisting on your own and return to the issue of, for example, combing, a little later.

C) There are also cases when a cat is nervous, overexcited, sick, and therefore shows aggression. Don't scold the cat for this. It will just became scared and will defend itself. Step aside and wait for a while. If the aggression does not stop for several hours, then, most likely, medical help and sedatives are needed.


The GOOD CAT website presents:

"Those who absolutely do not know cats say that they are not amenable to training, but no... If you train yourself first and show an example, then nothing is impossible." (Good cat)


How to introduce cats for mating; What does it take to participate in a cat show; Cat stories; Raising a cat; Cat breeding regulations.

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The cost of a cat


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