Our Siberian (Neva Masquerade) cat - WCF World Champion - this is a very good, intelligent, affectionate and kind cat. He grasps everything literally on the fly. Always comes when called. He understands some words... He has a beautiful light blue coat with elegant stripes. And sky blue eyes. The kitty is quite large. Already by a year and two months his, weight was about 7 kilograms.
Title : Wr.Ch.(WCF) World Champion
Date of birth: 15 August 2021
Breed: SIB (Neva Masquerade)
Owner: Yulia Starostina
Color: a 09 21 33 (blue-tebbie-point with white)
Mother: Ch.Eviana Korolevskoe Iskushenie
Father: Gr.Int.Ch.Germes Velikii Ohotnik
Pedigree, title certificate, evaluations, photo album of the cat Jordan
Our exhibitions
11 November 2023 Jordan the cat received a World Champion title certificate. On the certificate it is written that this document serves as a confirmation. It says: "the above cat receives the privilege of bearing this esteemed title". In order to earn the highest cat title we have come a long and difficult way. Firstly, cat Jordan became just a Champion, then International Champion, then Grand International Champion, then European Champion, then Grand European Champion and finally World Champion. At each separate stage it was necessary to receive 3 marks from 3 different experts of WCF system, confirming that Jordan is the best Nevsky Masquerade cat of the show in his color. In addition to that, at the last 3 stages the evaluations had to be received in 3 different countries, and for the World Champion also in 2 different continents. And after all passed stages, it was necessary to send all the documents, evaluation sheets and certificates to the main office of WCF in Germany (it is more than 35 files). And only then after checking the evaluations for validity, and exhibitions - for licenses, we were given a certificate of World Champion. That's how complicated everything is, friends!
Siberian (Neva Masquerade) cat Jordan was born and grew up to 4 months in the cattery of Nevsky masquerade cats. When we saw his picture for the first time, we liked him at once. The kitten on the photo stood so proud with his tail raised high, as if he realized that he was a beauty. And his sideburns were exactly like those of the poet Alexander Pushkin. That's when I thought - we must take him! Here he is - a real future champion. After all, the main thing in life is not how you look, but how you feel... A couple of days later we went to the cattery and took Jordan home. At first we were going to name him in honor of Pushkin - Pusha, but our kitten did not want to be Pusha and persistently did not respond to the new name. He grew sad... Most likely, the kitten Jordan decided that we had wanted to buy Pusha, but made a mistake and took him... So we had left everything as it is according to the documents, and Jordan was endlessly happy about it, because even before the move, the kitten knew his name and got used to it.
The pedigree of the Siberian (Neva Masquerade) cat Jordan is rich in champions. Literally all his ancestors are winners of all kinds of shows. Dad - Gr.Int.Ch.Germes Velikii Ohotnik - is a Grand International Champion. And mom - Ch.Eviana Korolevskoe Iskushenie - is a champion too.
I think Jordan the cat looks more like his cat mom. He has the same light coat and a great collar. But his eyes are almost like his mommy's grandfather, Guidon, whose title is World Champion (WCF). This is the highest title a cat can get. To become a cat World Champion, it is necessary to be a perfect cat, travel to different countries and to different continents, get the highest points from recognized experts, take high places on Bests and in rings. Wr.Ch. Gvidon Serebristyi Inei - did it all perfectly and in 2011 in Kiev closed the title of World Champion according to WCF system. In general, our cat Jordan had something to strive for, someone to look up to, and we achieved high results.
At his first International show "Zvezda" ("Star"), which was held at VDNH (an exhibition center) in Moscow, Jordan was shining like a small "star" among juniors. WCF expert Tamara Emelyanova evaluated him highly and nominated him for BEST. She wrote that Jordan has a strong physique,a very beautiful head, magnificent in shape and color eyes, correct coat texture, excellent show condition and, in general, he is a beauty....
And at the BEST among all cats - juniors of this "Star" show our kitty took the second place. Thus, despite our doubts and worries, the debut was a success!
Now, when Jordan has already been to Tver, Rybinsk, Minsk, Smolensk, Petropavlovsk, St. Petersburg, participated in many shows in Moscow, closed the highest titles, he looks like a real pro! With dignity and calmness he sits in his exhibition tent and waits when he is invited to receive the next evaluation.
And we are looking forward to the moment when we can see the kittens whose daddy will be our cat Jordan.
The details of all our trips and exhibitions can be found in the 'our exhibitions' section of this website.
"Keep your promises to cats, because cats follow your example. They repeat your mistakes, but they represent your virtues. If a cat doesn't respond to a call, it means you've done the same thing to it. If a cat bites, it means you are insolent. If a cat hides, it means it is playing hide and seek..." (Good Cat)
How to introduce cats for mating; What does it take to participate in a cat show; Cat stories; Raising a cat; Cat breeding regulations.
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